
During lockdown we were exploring different ways of learning and keeping it fun so that both of my kids wouldn’t lose interest. Learning about the world around us is always something Ive enjoyed teaching kids.

My kids and I decided to do a little geography after me showing them my travel book of all the places I had visited when I was younger.

Having two kids with a big age gap can sometimes be tricky when homeschooling so we improvised.

Learning About The World

My daughter wanted to learn about the animals from different places around the world. Animals are her favourite 🙂

We had lots of stickers with animals and a map of the world. The kids found out from their books where each animal was from and where you might find them.

E loves stickers so this was a fun way for her to learn.

Working Together

I loved how they worked together on this project. A helped his sister find all the stickers to put on the map, whilst E helped A to find the colour of the flags he needed for his chosen countries.

Finding Animals Homes

Not only did this project help to teach the kids about the world around them but it helped with writing skills, reading and researching facts.

It also spurred the kids to get their animals out and find out where they would live on the map. We put them into groups and sorted them into carnivores & plant eaters.

A chose 11 countries that he wanted to learn about in his project. We researched as many facts as we could to add to our poster.

We Learnt;

  • Capital cities of each country
  • The population of that country
  • An interesting fact about that country
  • What each countries flag looks like
  • Where on the map each country is
  • How they say ‘Hello’ in each country

Displaying our work

My son worked so hard on his geography project that we decided to display it on a poster board.

Love for Geography

This mama has always loved travelling and discovering new cultures around the world. Now my kids want to follow in their mamas footsteps and discover what’s out there.

Learning French at school definitely comes in handy. So maybe more languages might be appealing to learn.

“These are the places I want to visit mummy.”

And this will just be the beginning of our ‘learning about the world’ journey. I found this was a good introduction though and got their attention.It was interesting to find out different facts about each country. From their population to what language people speak there.

So maybe next we will try out new foods from different corners of the world and maybe some dress up. E loves dress up lol!

Because geography is a big part of learning when kids go to school, it is important to teach them about the world. Children can discover different countries and cultures.

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