These shape activity worksheets are a great tool for teaching children shapes. By the time our kids reach the age of 2 they are already becoming familiar with different shapes. Even as tiny infants they are aware of shapes and colours around them. These activity worksheets are great for children who are preparing for school.
Everything that we do in life involves shapes one way or another.
When they go to school they are learning about shapes all the time. Whether it be fractions, geometry or symmetry. And although your little ones don’t know it they are learning math from an early age. Even through play.
Most preschool aged children know their basic shapes, like circles, squares and triangles. But how about introducing them to some other shapes that they will eventually learn about. Here are some fun worksheets for the kids to do when you are looking for some educational activities to do.
Making Shapes Fun
Children love bright colours and anything fun is an invitation when it comes to learning. These fun and colourful shape activity worksheets are a good introduction to basic shapes and encourage independent learning.
Even if they can’t pronounce the names of the shapes, children will identify with each one and start to recognize the different shapes.
Shape Recognition
Getting children to recognize their shapes is half the battle. And learning doesn’t have to be difficult or boring. How about making a game with the kids where they have to find items around the house. A little like a scavenger hunt with shapes. This shape activity will have the kids active too as they will have to run around searching for the shapes they need!
Top Tip;
Although this activity does not specify 3D shapes, kids will find all kinds of things around the house.
Perhaps with slightly older children you can have them find shapes that are 3 dimensional and have them guess the names. For example have them find something square, and then have them find a cube.
Children can count the sides of 3D and none 3D to compare.
Younger children will just have fun finding items. They can use this sheet as a log, by either writing what they find or drawing a picture.
Why Are Shapes Important?
Learning about shapes is vital for children throughout all aspects of the curriculum. They will need some knowledge of shapes for maths, science and even reading. It gives them a start in visual learning and the skills they need to recognize signs and symbols.
This cutting and sticking activity is a fun and simple worksheet for young children who are practising with their scissor skills.
Sort out the items that are square and circles and stick them in the correct box.
Download Here!! ⬇️
You can download all of these shape activity worksheets for FREE right here!
Great little activity to do when it’s a rainy day and you want to get some learning in. 😉
Download our FREE shapes bundle here!
Take advantage of our cool freebies here. Six great shape worksheets that you can use to help teach your kids their shapes.
And here are some more shape activities you can get your kids involved in. How about an introduction to geo-boards! These geo- board printables are great to use whilst practising shapes. Or how about an invitation to build a city using different shapes.