
These printable play dough mats are great for rainy days and opportunities for creativity. Play dough is fun but it’s sometimes good to have prompts.

All you need are some plastic pockets and lots of play dough!

Face Templates

These face templates are good prompts for helping children recognize emotions. Also if you are doing an ‘All About Me’ theme. Children can add details to the faces that reflect their own features.

Dry erase markers can also be used on the mats to create faces.

You can download all 9 of our FREE face template play dough mats here;


Play Dough Prompts

Play dough mats are a great way to invite kids to create. These mats give a prompt which makes children think about what they can make on them. My kids get really imaginative when doing these mats.

Whether they are thinking of what lives under the ocean or what they like to eat for dinner, kids can have a blast with these mats!

Kids can use their play dough tools to ‘make’ details
This activity also encourages conversation as children tell you about what is on their mat.

Telling a story

The best part of getting kids to do these mats, are the little stories they tell you about what they are creating. It definitely encourages conversation. You never know what they will come up with so it is always a nice surprise.

Kids can design whatever they want!

Top tip;

Always make sure you take pictures of the kids creations. They can get pretty upset when it’s time to put the play dough away and their creations have to be cleared away. I’m talking from experience lol!

You can even print out the pictures (if you don’t want them taking up space on your phone lol) and put them in a little scrap book of your kids Art Work.

Kids LOVE to look at things they’ve made in the past. 😍

You can download all of our FREE Printable play dough prompt mats below! ⬇️ ⬇️


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