
My kids are Lego crazy! So it isn’t surprising that any homeschooling educational ideas and games that we come up with usually involve Lego. We discovered lego coding!

Lego is good for learning mathematics but who knew that it would help with other aspects of learning. Also who doesn’t love trying to figure out secret messages?! My son and I tried Lego Coding when he was in grade 2 and he loved it. So we thought we’d give it a try again 2 years in.

All you need for this activity is Lego, paper and pencils/markers. The great thing about this activity is the thinking that is involved. The downside is that it takes a little prep on the adult front.

Preparing Your Codes

In preparation for your child to do lego coding, you have to assign lego pieces to a letter of the alphabet.

This can take a little bit of time. When selecting your pieces you do have to find at least 2 of each piece. (I will explain why further on)

The first time we done this activity I picked out more complex pieces which were much harder to find 2 of 😬

I had learnt from this mistake the second time around.

The Object Of The Game

The idea of lego coding is to think of a sentence using lego pieces for each letter.

Then your child has to look and find the correct letter that corresponds with that lego piece. Your child will then write out on a separate sheet of paper the letters he sees.

Depending on if your child is at reading level, he will then be able to work out what your sentence spells out.

Lego Coding!

Separating Words

When we done lego coding the second time around I used a lego board to display the pieces. I spaced out the words so that they knew there was a new word in the sentence. Then they wrote down the letters separating them where necessary.

Finding Letters

As I mentioned before try to make sure that you have at least 2 of every piece.

This is because when you come to do a sentence there will always be more than one A for instance. Or in my case it was lots of O’s I needed.

So unlike I did the first time around, make it a little easier on yourself when selecting pieces!

My daughter is not yet at reading level but for her she is recognizing letters right now. This was a good activity to get her to engaged in putting letters together to make words. She really surprised me, and wanted to even write the letters herself.

My son then decided to make a secret message for me too!

This activity is good for concentration skills. They really have to get their thinking caps on for this one. I would say school aged children will find it a little easier. They will most likely be able to read the message when they are done. However my daughter who is a pre-schooler still enjoyed taking part in this activity.

Our Secret Coding Messages

And for preschool children how about trying this simple lego activity. Teaching children how to count is the basic learning steps of learning mathematics when they go to school.

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