
Egg cartons are so handy for doing crafts. Just like most cardboard items, the ideas are endless! These egg carton critters are fun and cute and very easy for little ones to do.

Learning About Insects

Kids love learning about animals and insects. They are so interesting even to us adults. Especially the butterfly process. This always amazes me. If you have the time it is always fun to keep a caterpillar as a pet and let your child watch as it changes into a butterfly. Then they can set them free.

Here are some great books about caterpillars & butterflies for kids.

Making Your Critters

All you need for your egg carton critters, are.. egg cartons! And paint. If you want to add detail to your critters then make sure you have googly eyes, sequin gems, markers and pipe cleaners handy too.

Painting Your Critters

For your caterpillar cut one of the egg cartons lengthways so you have several egg shaped pockets in a line. This will usually be 6 if its a standard egg box. Paint your egg box to suit. You can do all one colour or make it different colours.

Make your caterpillar as colourful as you want!

Once your caterpillar is dry, prick small holes into both sides of the pockets. Smaller children will need help with this part. However the next part is good practise for hand eye coordination. Have your child thread a pipe cleaner through each hole. Turning the caterpillar upside down makes this part a little easier.

This will be the caterpillar’s legs!

Top Tip;

Use a long pipe cleaner to thread through and cut it to size once you have it all the way through both sides. This will make it easier when threading!

Adding Other Details

Once your caterpillar has legs, all that’s left is to add details. You can use stick on eyes or draw your eyes on. My daughter chose to use googly eyes and she drew on a mouth. You can also give your caterpillar antenna using more pipe cleaner.

Stick on eyes
Drawing details
Curling your antenna

Another Top Tip;

To make antenna use a pencil to curl the edges. This isn’t necessary and you don’t have to have them curling but it also stops them from going back through the holes.

A cute and simple caterpillar craft using recycled items that most people have at home.

Egg Carton Caterpillars

For another cute caterpillar craft click on this link; https://crafty-mummy.com/caterpillar-pegs/

Egg Carton Butterflies

Our butterflies are very easy to do also. When cutting your egg carton have two egg pockets at either side. These are for your wings.

Paint your butterfly wings in your desired colour
Cover all areas of outside of the egg pockets

Once dry, grab some gems and decorate your wings
This is optional but my daughter thought it would make her butterfly look more sparkly 🙂

Adding Antenna

For the antenna we used large pipe cleaners.

Wrap the pipe cleaner around the middle of the wings and twist the ends to make the antenna. If the pipe cleaner is too long you can always trim it.

Egg Carton Butterflies

More Fun Butterfly Crafts!

Egg carton butterflies that are easy to make. Butterflies are always a fun craft to do. Here are some other ideas for when you’re doing that butterfly theme! 🦋

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