There are so many bird crafts that can be made. This colourful birds craft is a favourite of ours and very simple to do. We had originally planned to make owls, however my daughter pointed out that these birds were so colourful. So I guess they are just birds lol! But if your kids are owl fans then these can be cute little colourful owls. 🦉
My kids have always been interested in different types of birds. We get lots of birds to our bird feeders outside so they get to see the pretty colours of their wings. We have lots of stories of birds too, which we incorporated into our bird craft.
These little birds are simple for little hands to make. All you need is;
- Paper or plastic Cups
- Coloured Yarn/Wool
- Buttons
- Feathers
- Yellow Paper
- Glue
- Scissors

We coated the cup using glue and a brush. You can use glue sticks for this craft, but we went with white glue for extra coverage.
Then we wrapped some yarn around and around the cup. Don’t need to be shy with the yarn. Covering it as much as possible will make it look very colourful.

All the little details are then added. We put some buttons on for the eyes, and cut a yellow triangle out for the beak.

Adding The Feathers
Adding the feathers is personal preference. My daughter wanted to glue hers on which worked well, but does require some drying as with the rest of the bird. Just turn the bird around and stick the feathers to the back.

For my example, I tucked the feathers into the yarn at the back. This works better with feathers that have a stalk. Some feathers are more fluffier and they probably should be attached with glue.
Like I said, it’s personal preference. Glue would secure the feathers better for little hands that might want to play with their birds afterwards.

They don’t take long to dry! And they look so pretty and colourful when multiple kids make them and you line them up. 🥰

Tips & Tricks
- If you are making these birds with very small children, you can use round paper circles for the eyes and get the children to draw the eyes on. Or even felt. Buttons are CHOKING hazards so probably best to steer clear of them unless your kids are old enough!
- Older Kids can even use googly eyes instead of buttons!
- If you want to make these into owls and not just birds, you can also get feathers that are brown and white. Yarn also comes in many colours too.
- To make the cup into a pencil/crayon holder, the bird can be made standing the other way so that the open side is the top of the birds head. Then your bird has a useful purpose. 😉
And if you are learning about owls in the classroom and looking for other crafts and inspiration, check out our snow owls. An easy fun craft using pinecones.