My kids love chalk, and the great thing about chalk is that it can be used indoors or outside. I found an old table in a thrift store for about $8 so I picked it up and we decided to make a chalk table. Very easy to do. If you have any old furniture lying around that could come to use in other ways, don’t get rid of it! Do it up! Not only is it a fun crafting project to do but if it has a useful purpose once its finished, even better!

We sanded down the table just to make it smoother and take off any chips and dust.
*Make sure that you have the floor covered well not only when cleaning but when you come to paint it. This activity is a bit messy.
We managed to get some chalk paint to cover our table which you can get from most craft stores or even DIY stores will have it.

As it’s acrylic paint you shouldn’t need to cover it twice but as we had plenty leftover we decided to give it another coat just for more coverage. The good thing about these projects is that if you mess up or it doesn’t go how you’d like you can just start over again.

We just painted the top part of the table and underneath and then we left to to dry overnight. The following day we painted the legs.
For this we also used acrylic paint but we decided to go with different colours. We done the 3 primary colours and green for the final leg. We used brushes for this part to get into all the small nooks.
It turned out really nice and the kids loved it! They couldn’t wait to get their chalks and to try it out!

We keep this in our playroom but you can move it around the house or even take it outside in the garden.
Now the kids can be artists anywhere in the house, and all for less than $10!